Marketing Strategy

/Marketing Strategy

Sales Page Design


Making a sales page is a delicate art. Sales page design requires boldness and simplicity, brashness and elegance, solid programming and concise copywriting. It's not easy, but it can be really, really fun. A sales page has one purpose: to convince the user to click the buy button. If your sales page accomplishes this feat, then it doesn't matter how it looks, or whether or not the grammar is correct, or if it's annoying. If [...]

Sales Funnel Strategy


An online sales funnel helps a stranger become a customer. When someone first finds your brand, their first impression is not, "I need to buy what they are selling right away! Shut up and take my money!" It might seem like that's the right way for customers to find you, but that doesn't become the long-lasting relationship that builds businesses for the long haul. A sales funnel is a series of steps that communicate in the language of the [...]

Prospecting Campaign with Content Marketing


Plum Deluxe was ready to launch a new ebook! And they wanted to make an impact. Targeting PR professionals representing high-lifestyle brands, the Plum Deluxe Prospecting Campaign centered around the ebook 'Why Visual Content is a Must-Have Upgrade to your Online Marketing.' The ebook was written by Andy Hayes, the mastermind behind the Plum Deluxe brand. After a marketing consultation, I created a landing page that would require email subscription in order to download his [...]

The Sales Success Webinar Series – Live on Udemy


For the past few months, I've been really happy to bring my video editing services to the Sales Success Webinar Series. This library of professional development material was created by Jeffrey Gitomer and Andy Horner over the past few years. They've become masters of the art of the Webinar, with topics that range from closing more sales, to business social media, to delivering amazing presentations. These webinars have been used by thousands of salespeople and self-marketers [...]