Portland Free Fitness

/, Web Design/Portland Free Fitness

Portland Free Fitness

This project included logo and web design, content marketing, and social media: everything we love to do.

While the client Portland Free Fitness was compiling the ebook, a PDF directory of all the free fitness trials in the Portland area, we built the ecommerce architecture that allowed for:

  • secure payment through Paypal
  • hosting of the PDF ebook
  • Optional discount function
  • Affiliate hop-links for resellers
  • Secure downloading of the ebook only for paying clients (meaning no redistribution of the ebook link was possible)

We also integrated Google ads into the website, automated content updates for 6 months, and integrated the email newsletter service with the website.  And, of course, our standard social media startup package was included.

By |2019-07-12T06:54:40-06:00March 25th, 2011|Blog, Web Design|

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