The most powerful way to tell your story online.
Videos offer a quick, digestible overview of a compacted idea. Video marketing allows you to share your message on platforms your customer can easily connect with.
A quality branded video will provide a professional image for your company, establishing you as the authority in the industry.
Video quality matters.
Boring videos don’t get watched. Entertaining videos get shared.
Video marketing is more than just uploading your video to Youtube and sitting back to wait. Your video should appeal to people outside of your immediate circle of influence. When a quality video gets shared, your audience will spread the message of your company.
Online video viewing has boomed in recent years, and there are now over 1 billion users on YouTube each month. A quality video will stand out from the rest, and capture the attention of your ideal customer.
Why video marketing is effective
- Videos inspire, educate and entertain your audience
- An evergreen video can be used for many years
- Videos can be easily optimized in the search engines, bringing more customers to your website
- You can receive real-time interaction and feedback from your clients with video marketing
- Studying video analytics can help you to see how successful your marketing campaigns can be
- Videos are easily shared, so that your customers can effortlessly refer their friends
- Your competitors are using video marketing, and potentially taking your customers
- Videos can be easily viewed on any type of device, including mobile phones and tablets
Marketing your video to get results
You want to make sure your video is viewed online. Video marketing strategically places your videos in the sight of your potential customers.
Without proper video marketing, it is easy for a video to get lost among the “noise” online. Working with a professional video marketer will help your video to be seen by the people who matter most: your ideal customers.
Pura Vida MultiMedia provides:
- Conception and Scriptwriting
- Pre-production
- Shooting and Lighting
- Editing and Post-production
- Special effects
- Motion graphics
- Logo manipulation
- Youtube and Vimeo channel uploads
- Social networking on video sites
- Promotion on fan pages and websites
Every one of our videos is a custom solution. We work with all budgets and timelines.
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