4 Lessons Learned from Content Marketing

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4 Lessons Learned from Content Marketing


Guest Post by Becki Andrus

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to build a real, solid relationship with your customer base.

I learned this lesson firsthand when I installed an opt-in form on my blog, and started offering a free ebook to anyone who signed up for my newsletter.

With a little bit of time, and a lot of TLC, I was able to develop a list of active and engaged readers. As a result, my online business has grown and I have seen a positive impact in my income.

Here are 4 lessons that I learned from Content Marketing:

1. Automation Rocks

Automated tools such as an email service with an autoresponder feature makes it easy to manage an online business. In the beginning, it took some work to get everything setup, but the system continues to run on an ongoing basis for any new readers who subscribe to my newsletter. When someone fills in the opt-in form, they will receive a series of autoresponder newsletters that show up as if I was manually sending out an email every week.

It’s less management for me, and my readers receive valuable information on an ongoing basis. Plus, I can add new email messages at anytime, and they will be sent out to everyone on my email list.

2. Quality Matters

Sending boring content to your customers results in decreased email open-rates and disinterested customers. Taking the time to write and send quality information makes a big difference, and people will be grateful for the information that you are sharing. Additionally, quality content helps your readers to see that you are offering value, and they will be more likely to heed product recommendations when you make suggestions.

3. Feedback is Important

Instead of sending autoresponder emails without expecting a response from the readers, I encourage people to send me their feedback. As a result, I’ve gained a lot of valuable details about the type of information customers would like to receive in the newsletters. It gives me the ability to cater the content to match their needs, and they are happy because they are receiving answers to their questions. It’s a win-win situation!

4. There’s Always Room for Improvement

Just because I have an autoresponder series in place doesn’t mean that I never need to make adjustments to the system. Occasional updates, additions, and changes can make it even better, so it is good to revisit the information to see how it can be improved. Making adjustments along the way allows me to stay up-to-date on the newest trends, and I can be sure that I am offering the best information to the people on my email list.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://www.puravidamultimedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/becki-andrus-headshot.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Becki Andrus is a writer and health fanatic who enjoys studying natural ways to improve health and wellness. Get her Essential Oils Kickstart guide here.[/author_info] [/author]
By |2019-07-12T06:54:22-06:00February 19th, 2014|Blog, Content Marketing, Guest Posts|

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